Piercing Spray & Tattoo Balm After Care Mudscupper's brings Piercing Spray & Tattoo Balm After Care to new levels!
Mudscupper's Inc. Founders: Michael & JoLynn Gibbs Privately Held Corporation Edgewood, New Mexico Michael started piercing and tattooing in 1970. Since then, he has seen many so-called piercing and tattoo aftercare products come and go. They products came with unbelievable claims of, "Heals faster, more protection, invented just for tattoos, FDA approved facilities, etc." Truth is, there were no products made for piercings and tattoos back then, and there the FDA does not approved facilities. All falsehoods to hock sub-standard and crappy products to the piercing and tattoo community. When tattoos, and especially piercing gained popularity in the 1990's, more so-called piercing and tattoo products came on the market, making the same BS claims. Piercing solutions were simple salt and water solutions that pretty much did nothing, and tattoo care was mostly petrolaum based products, that suffocated the skin, caused rashes and tattoo bumps, took a long time to heal, and left many with nasty oozing tats and faded colors. Michael decided he was going to make 'Piercing Spray & Tattoo Balm After Care' products. Quality products products that actually provided antibacterial and healing properties. He and his wife, JoLynn, choose the best healing and cleansing salts for piercing sprays, and the absolute best known healing moisturizers for tattoos. For active ingredients, Australian Tea Tree & East Cape Manuka oils were selected for thier proven and effective antibacterial and healing properties. When they finally developed their products, they realized the cost for such expensive ingredients, was beyond what the average person could afford. This was further compunded with the fact, there was no 'onel' piercing product or tattoo product that worked well for everyone, they would have to make many products. They learned, this must be why other products came in 'one size fits all', and lacked expensive antibacterial and healing ingredients. Instead feeling defeated, they took their life savings and purchased manufacturing equipment to make the products themselves. This meant different products to meet individual needs could be manufactured at very affordable prices, and with the ingredients they wanted. In 2004, they started selling out of their Piercing & Tattoo shop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Moving forward to today, over 20 years later, Michael & JoLynn sells are worldwide. Due to their commitment and hard work ethics, they still manufacture the products themselves to keep cost down, and leave advertising to "Word of Mouth." Their slogan is: "Mudscupper's #1 All Natural Piercing & Tattoo Aftercare for over 20 years, and counting...!" .............................................................................................................................................................Michael & JoLynn Gibbs CONTACT US Mudscupper's Inc.
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